Teen food consumption disorders are on the rise. Teenagers are affected by food consumption concerns and these types of disorders are becoming very common! In this write-up, we’ll talk about the kinds, causes, indications as well as treatments for teen eating disorders.

what causes food consumption disorders?

Nobody is certain about what causes food consumption disorders. The majority of people who develop food consumption disorders are generally teenagers aged between 14 to 17 years of age. This time in their life is full of sentimental and physical changes, including academic challenges.

the types of food consumption disorders in children

Mentioned beneath are a few popular kinds of food consumption disorders in kids and also some causes, symptoms as well as treatments.

Bulimia Nervosa: Bulimia nervosa can be described as consuming too many high-calorie foods or weight-gaining foods and then burning these calories by over-exercising and intense workouts. Bulimia nervosa in fact occurs because of a sense of being overweight or out of shape. Children really feel ashamed of being shapeless, but at the same time can’t refrain from temptations of eating high-calorie foods. These individuals think that over-exercising would balance their weight and curb their temptations. But, this is incorrect and proves dangerous for their well-being.

Anorexia Nervosa: Females between the ages of 14-18 are most troubled by this type of eating disorder. Anorexia nervosa occurs due to being overweight as well as shapeless. On the other hand, here the person tries to starve himself. This eventually leads to and furthermore encourages the onset of many other health-related concerns.

Binge Eating: Unrestricted food consumption with no fear of putting on weight or excessive fat constitutes the ‘Binge’ eating disorder. This really is consequently pretty similar to bulimia nervosa! However, the individual with this particular disorder doesn’t care if he/she is overweight or obese.

reasons for eating disorders in kids

Eating disorders are mainly associated with a particular child’s thought pattern and attitude. Each child has his/her own reasons for consuming less or perhaps consuming much more! There are several factors behind eating disorders when it comes to young kids. A few of these factors are stated below.

  • Social anxieties
  • Intimidation as well as teasing by others
  • Reduced self esteem
  • Fearing adulthood
  • Depression
  • Tension associated with fulfilling other people’s expectations
  • Promotions and advertisements of slim as well as trim bodies, and excess importance given to one’s perfect body shape, and so on
  • Anxiousness and anger

impact of eating disorders

Eating complications are severe medical illnesses. They are often combined with other issues like tension, anxiousness, melancholy. Some effects of food consumption disorders consist of:

  • A drop in blood pressure levels, pulse, as well as the pace or level of breathing
  • Hair thinning in addition to fingernail breakage
  • Decrease in periods
  • Anemia
  • Continuous stomach pain

therapy for food consumption disorders in children

Treating eating conditions in children is really a fairly difficult task! Thankfully, food consumption disorders can be treated. The following are some treatments for eating disorders in kids.

  • The main thing is that mothers and fathers must not force children to consume food when they are full or allow them to consume food anytime they feel hungry.
  • Instill the significance of a balanced diet, maintaining the proper weight in addition to normal exercises.
  • Stop teasing and demeaning children about their overall looks.
  • More importantly, try to comprehend your teenagers. They’re children; they are not grown up adults, who comprehend everything! Be conscious of the fact that, children are going through physical and psychological changes and consequently might eat much more or much less than normal.
  • Motivate them to lead a wholesome and stress-free lifestyle.

Hope all this information has given you an overview of eating disorders in kids.

by Jason Alexander